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17.3.2017 CACIB Dublin, IRL
"St. Patricks Day" Judge: Angela Hancock ,IRL |
BOB: male |
Havasu Hercule Poirot |
CACIB male: |
Havasu Hercule Poirot |
res. CACIB male: |
Duncabury Andre Rieu |
CACIB female: |
Lynnsto Cream of the Crop |
Green Star male: |
Havasu Hercule Poirot |
res. Green Star male: |
Duncabury Andre Rieu |
Green Star female: |
Lynnsto Cream of the Crop |
res. Green Star female: |
Sarogo Water Lillie |
XMALES - cl. junior
1 - Lynnsto Star Turn at Royalcounty (i)
XMALES - cl. intermediate
1, res. Green Star, res. CACIB - Duncabury Andre Rieu (i)
XMALES - cl. open
Exc1, Green Star, CACIB, BOB - Havasu Hercule Poirot (i)
XFEMALES - cl. junior
1, res. Green Star - Sarogo Water Lillie (i)
XFEMALES - cl. champion
1, Green Star, CACIB, res. BOB - Lynnsto Cream of the Crop (i)
2 - Glenveagh Breanna (i)