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30.7.2017 OG Mittenwalde, D
Judge: Andrew Beare, IRL

BOB: female

Vanessa vom Elchweg

CAC male:

Leonhard's Crispin

CAC female:

Vanessa vom Elchweg

res. CAC female:

Bodyguard's Sweet Mystery Memory

Jgd. CAC male:

Caitlin's Dragon's Heart from the House of Chikung

Jgd. CAC female:

Masey v. Lausitzer Eck

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XMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jgd. VDH, Jgd. CAC - Caitlin's Dragon's Heart from the House of Chikung (i)
*24.1.2016 Boni vom Plater Land & Bogarhazi Coco Chanel No 2
M Exc2, res. Jgd. VDH, res. Jgd. CAC - Xandro-Luca vom Elchweg (i)
*22.3.2016 Hopecharm Space Cowboy & Karolin vom Elchweg
M Exc3 - Piter Westie Uilfred Gold (i)
*30.3.2016 Olympic Gold iz Baltiyskoy Peny & Stars Factory Sanador
RKF 4607712
XMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, VDH, CAC - Leonhard's Crispin (i)
*24.8.2014 Leonhard's Cotton Eye Joe & Leonhard's Toxic Smile

XFEMALES - cl. junior
M Exc1, Jgd. VDH, Jgd. CAC - Masey v. Lausitzer Eck (i)
*27.9.2016 Percy Happy Naux & Miss Mazy v. Lausitzer Eck
XFEMALES - cl. intermediate
M Exc1, VDH, res. CAC - Bodyguard's Sweet Mystery Memory (i)
*23.3.2016 Tampa Bay Sunshine Celebration & Bodyguard's Sweet Mystery Madison
XFEMALES - cl. open
M Exc1, VDH, CAC, BOB - Vanessa vom Elchweg (i)
*11.9.2013 Flashlight Thunder v. Paradise of Wind & Rebecca vom Elchweg
M Exc2, res. VDH - High Energy vom Krugpfuhl (i)
*6.6.2015 Inverness High Sir Herbert & Ice Lady vom Krugpfuhl
M VG3 - Caitlin's Butterfly from the House of Chikung (i)
*27.6.2015 Boni vom Plater Land & Danskots Caitlin

Photo Album 2017-07-30 OG Mittenwalde, D


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