Whitemagic Juniper
Litter *5.2.1990
Benary Spot On x Whitemagic Lockett of Elcot
male Whitemagic Juniper
male Whitemagic Lobelia
female Whitemagic Laurustinus
female Whitemagic Tagates
female Whitemagic Willow
Other litters by the same combination
Litter *22.6.1991
Benary Spot On x Whitemagic Lockett of Elcot
male Whitemagic Juniper of Elcot
male Whitemagic Skimmia of Elcot
male Whitemagic Tamarix of Elcot
female Whitemagic Genista of Elcot
female Whitemagic Veronica