Dazzling Crystal
Litter *5.4.1996
Derwen Dandy x Lily Mawrth
male Golly Gonzo
male Preachers Pride
male Ruff'n Ready
female Dazzling Crystal
female Gregory's Beauty
female Tasha Desperques
Other litters by the same combination
Litter *1.8.1997
Derwen Dandy x Lily Mawrth
female Belverdere Lady May
Litter *10.11.1996
Derwen Dandy x Lily Mawrth
male Akebia David Mane
male Comtesse Edward Lad
male Gladstonely Rouge
male Kissgate Edwin Shore
male Praecox Wild Goucher
male Slow Rambling Rector
female Abelia Nancy Rose
female Frances Rivis Dream
female Puget White Dove
Litter *16.6.1995
Derwen Dandy x Lily Mawrth
male Chimes Prince
male Jeffries Choice
male Prince of Restorva
male Rutlands Prince
female Holly Jackson
female Polly Ponsford
female Royal Floosy
female Sabey Lady
female Snow Ozzy