Starlight Storm
Litter *18.3.1998
Ashgate Burg x Luna Storm
male Celestial Choice at Uniquesilk
male Flashtalkin Lad
male Starlight Storm
female Alaskan Encounter
female Bright November
female Calling Wild
female Dalametre Display
female Dead Cert Girl
Other litters by the same combination
Litter *2.10.2001
Ashgate Burg x Luna Storm
male Kenmillone Milburn
male Kenmillone Morven Boy
female Kenmillone Madelia
female Kenmillone Maeve
female Kenmillone Marcila
Litter *14.5.1999
Ashgate Burg x Luna Storm
male Brookbond Delight
male Tetleys Magic
male Twinnings Surprise
female Liptons Hot to Trot
female Red Label in a Brew
female Typhoo Storm in a Tea Cup