Wescotgem Elinors Mate
Litter *29.5.2005
Barwest Belafonte at Candytops x Starlight Kiss
male Wescotgem Mackie
female Wescotgem Bonnie Star
female Wescotgem Cazzie Delight
female Wescotgem Elinors Mate
female Wescotgem Merry Pride
Other litters by the same combination
Litter *16.7.2007
Barwest Belafonte at Candytops x Starlight Kiss
male Wescotgem Clover
male Wescotgem Hollyhock
male Wescotgem Juniper
female Wescotgem Lilac
female Wescotgem Violet
female Wescotgem Yasmin
female Wescotgem Zinnia
Litter *7.6.2006
Barwest Belafonte at Candytops x Starlight Kiss
male Wescotgem Just Robbie
male Wescotgem Sir Turville
female Wescotgem Beechess Girl
female Wescotgem Highland Joy
female Wescotgem Marston Lady
female Wescotgem White Mist
Litter *23.4.2004
Barwest Belafonte at Candytops x Starlight Kiss
male Wescotgem Amythyst Wind
male Wescotgem Moonbeam Joy
male Wescotgem Moonlight Pride
male Wescotgem Star Chaser
female Wescotgem Flora of Ledmacay