The Dashing Devil's You Could Be Mine

Litter *19.7.2018
The Dashing Devil's You Could Be Mine x Donka von der Burg Ottenstein
male Quai von Der Burg Ottenstein
female Quixi von Der Burg Ottenstein

Litter White Snowshoes *13.4.2018
The Dashing Devil's You Could Be Mine x White Snowshoes Super Star
male White Snowshoes Royal Temper
female White Snowshoes Royal Diamond
female White Snowshoes Royal Flower
female White Snowshoes Royal Pearl
female White Snowshoes Royal Star

Litter from the Twinkeling Star *10.3.2018
The Dashing Devil's You Could Be Mine x Hot Affair from the Twinkeling Star
female My Miracle from the Twinkeling Star

Litter White Flame *13.2.2018
The Dashing Devil's You Could Be Mine x Smalltalk White Flame
male Snowman White Flame
female Snowdrops White Flame
female Snowface White Flame
female Snowflower White Flame

Litter *7.12.2017
The Dashing Devil's You Could Be Mine x Happy Aelbertina aus Grisus Höhle
male Miracle Jake from Aelberts Hill

Litter *6.11.2017
The Dashing Devil's You Could Be Mine x Gipsy von der Burg Ottenstein
male Nabisco von Der Burg Ottenstein
male Nat von Der Burg Ottenstein
male Noeppe von Der Burg Ottenstein
female Nelly von Der Burg Ottenstein
female Nice von der Burg Ottenstein

Litter The Dashing Devil's *10.4.2017
The Dashing Devil's You Could Be Mine x Sex Bomb de New Gryffindor
male The Dashing Devil's Brad Pitt
male The Dashing Devil's Clint Eastwood
male The Dashing Devil's Johnny Depp
male The Dashing Devil's Tom Cruise
female The Dashing Devil's Hot Chic
female The Dashing Devil's Hot Stuff


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